Hey check it out, I have my first return customer! Kim and her daughter were one of my first shoots a few months ago and they were super cool about me using them as guinea pigs. I do feel like I have grown quit a bit as a photographer since then so I was stoked an anxious for the oppurtinuty to reshoot them. It's pretty awesome too because they are super cool and Madison is the cutest little kid ever.
So we met at Point Defiance in Tacoma and went about shooting. The weather was great and sunny and warm. It was Maddy's first time at the beach and she did was we've all wanted to do and that's push our mom in the water. The sun was a challenge to me because I've only every shot when it's been overcast but I overcame.
I filled up a memory card (about 700 pics) and ended up with 144 good, edited pics that I gave to her which shattered my old record of 108. I am proud of how they turned out and think I did a pretty good job. Let me know what you think and if you are looking for some pics let me know.
Direct Link to Pics on Flickr
Great work Christian! Both of them have such beautiful eyes and in that close up shot, you captured them well. If I lived closer, I would book a shoot right away. If I'm ever in the area, I will let you know!